Flowers and Flames EP out now

Flowers and Flames feature six tracks that I’ve been working on for the last while. The EP is named after the title track “Flowers And Flames” which is a cinematic, downtempo track that’s quite bass heavy. The track and EP is dedicated to my Father who passed away in 2009. Processing and grieving my Father’s death didn’t come “on time” for me, but rather years after he had passed and I wanted to dedicate a track to him. As for the cover, I asked the Altenburg artist Susann Reinhold to design it. I asked her to make an artwork with a man with a flower for a head walking through a wonderland and the picture above was the result. I think she did a wonderful job, I really enjoy it. The reason I asked her to use this motif is because shortly before my father was cremated, he was put in a simple wooden casket filled with beautiful flowers, hence the title. The art and the track symbolize that time for me. I think it’s a good EP over all, and I would love for you to listen to it. If you want to know anything about any of the songs, or want to give some feedback, please do reach out to me at