About "Stars and Reveries"

The EP “Stars and Reveries” was written in 2018/2019 in my home studio in Berlin, Germany. It’s an indie-electro pop EP largely about experiencing and recovering from a 5-month psychosis and 10-month post-psychotic depression. I had debilitating amounts of visual hallucinations in a day, maybe  almost 1000 a day which left me in a near-catatonic state. As I finally started recovering from depression, I wrote this EP. I had been reflecting on my life and the past 15 years with Schizophrenia, reflecting on the condition itself as well as the effects of medication on my body and mind, the psychiatry, the time that passed while I was struggling with this condition. The lyrics are simple and honest, I felt that for this EP I would just sing what came to mind when I played the song so as to try and capture an unfiltered reflection of my state of mind at the time.